Join Two DataTables

hi @krisleunis,
You can compare two dataTables and get extras or I can say unmatched records by using this:

dt3 = dt2.AsEnumerable().Where(function(f) Not dt1.AsEnumerable().Select(function(i) i.Field(Of Int32)(“ID”).ToString).Any(function(i2) i2 = f.Field(Of Int32)(“ID”).ToString)).CopyToDataTable()

dt1 → has 3 records,
dt2 → has 4 records (1 extra).

here’s my workflow:
Main.xaml (9.6 KB)

I hope this will help you. :slight_smile:

Hi @samir,

Many thanks for your help.
Your workflow indeed works for the example I provided.
However, it does not work in the scenario where both datatables contain unique records. :cry:

Please find the example below:



Based on these, how can I obtain?


P.S. This is a feature I expected the Join Data Tables activity to have the JoinType “Outer”

Hello vvaidya!! Thanks for your solution. I need to ask how to join 2 different sheets of Single Excel Workbook into single excel sheet. I want to merge two excel sheet into one sheet. I have excel workbook SampleClientsData.xlsx. It contains 2 different sheets first is “Client_Members_Sheet” and another is “Sales_Member_Sheet”. I want to get Sales_Member_Sheet data into Clients_Members_Sheet without blank columns and proper data. I tried using Merge Datatable. But it is not working. It is adding extra 3 blank columns into excel sheet “Clients_Members_Sheet”.
I am sending you the flow and Screenshots and Excel sheet. Please suggest me proper solution to this problem.

MergingTwoExistingDatable.xaml (7.9 KB)
SampleClientsData.xlsx (11.9 KB)

Rohit Lanjewar

Hello Aksh!! Thanks for your solution. I need to ask how to join 2 different sheets of Single Excel Workbook into single excel sheet. I want to merge two excel sheet into one sheet. I have excel workbook SampleClientsData.xlsx. It contains 2 different sheets first is “Client_Members_Sheet” and another is “Sales_Member_Sheet”. I want to get Sales_Member_Sheet data into Clients_Members_Sheet without blank columns and proper data. I tried using Merge Datatable. But it is not working. It is adding extra 3 blank columns into excel sheet “Clients_Members_Sheet”.
I am sending you the flow and Screenshots and Excel sheet. Please suggest me proper solution to this problem.

MergingTwoExistingDatable.xaml (7.9 KB)
SampleClientsData.xlsx (11.9 KB)

Rohit Lanjewar

Hello Samir!! Thanks for your solution. I need to ask how to join 2 different sheets of Single Excel Workbook into single excel sheet. I want to merge two excel sheet into one sheet. I have excel workbook SampleClientsData.xlsx. It contains 2 different sheets first is “Client_Members_Sheet” and another is “Sales_Member_Sheet”. I want to get Sales_Member_Sheet data into Clients_Members_Sheet without blank columns and proper data. I tried using Merge Datatable. But it is not working. It is adding extra 3 blank columns into excel sheet “Clients_Members_Sheet”.
I am sending you the flow and Screenshots and Excel sheet. Please suggest me proper solution to this problem.

MergingTwoExistingDatable.xaml (7.9 KB)
SampleClientsData.xlsx (11.9 KB)

Rohit Lanjewar


If you are still looking for a solution to write selects like in SQL please see the example below in LINQ.

(From s In DTConsolidatedWithIntervals.AsEnumerable()
Join r In DTDatesWithIntervals.AsEnumerable()
On s(“Station ID”).tostring Equals r(“Station ID”).tostring
Where (s(“Date Start”).tostring >= r(“Date_From”).tostring And s(“Date Start”).tostring <=r(“Date_To”).tostring) Or (s(“Date Start”).tostring<r(“Date_To”).tostring And s(“Date End”).tostring>r(“Date_To”).tostring) Or (s(“Date End”).tostring>=r(“Date_From”).tostring And s(“Date End”).tostring<=r(“Date_To”).tostring)
Select DTCentralised.LoadDataRow(New Object() {r(“Date”),s(“User ID”),s(“Car registration”),s(“Station ID”),s(“Date Start”),s(“Date End”),r(“Date_From”),r(“Date_To”),If(r(“Valid From”).tostring=“”,Nothing,r(“Valid From”)),If(r(“Valid To”).tostring=“”,Nothing,r(“Valid To”).tostring),r(“Price per hour (RON)”),r(“Discount per hour (RON)”)},False)).tolist()

I don’t have an example with outer but I think the LINQ has this functionality.

Happy Development

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