Invoke Python Method: Pipe is broken

Hi @VC365 and @sri_e,

I forgot to reply here.
From @VC365 I see that the return value is within a main function, which UiPath Invoke Python will not support.

  • What I suggest is you do all the processing using a helper function, call that helper function in another function with all required inputs.

  • Then call this function from UiPath Invoke Python.

The best way to get information back is using Json. So in short the function you call from UiPath should contain a return within it.

return (json_value) 

For example

def process_case(inputs):
    processedpdf = "your logic"
    return (processedpdf) 

def call_function_uipath(inputs):
    import json
    result = process_case(inputs)
    json_value = json.loads(result)
    return (json_value)