How to filter and groupby datatable column based on highest value


  1. Sort datatable by ColA, colB, colD Desc
    (you can refer other topic about sort datatable by mutiple colums in forum
    e.g. Sort Excel by multiple column)
  2. Set variable
    strPrevioursColA = “”
    strPrevioursColB = “”
  3. For each row in data table
  • if (strPrevioursColA = “” ) or ( strPrevioursColA <> “” AND strPrevioursColA <> row(“colA”) AND strPrevioursColB <> row(“colB”) )
    Set strPrevioursColA = row(“colA”)
    Set strPrevioursColB = row(“colB”)
    Output row to excel or other datatable as you want