How to convert secure string to string in uipath

If not you are using a text type asset means you can directly assign the value from the asset @shankar.arekonda.external

out_ShardrivePassword = Your password from asset




You need to use string variable in the assign activity

Left of the assig should be stringvar “SDPassword” = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(string.Empty, secureStrvariable).Password

Then use thte SDPassword in the typinto activity

Other one intead of conveting the securestring to string you can also use

Type Secure String activity and pass the SecureString Variable directly in SecureText field in the properties

Kindly close the topic by marking the solution.

Happy Automation


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try changing the scope of your variable to the right scope, or if its an argument the go to the variables panel an right click your variable and click on convert to argument and the change the direction to out


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