Deserialize JSON - String is not a valid number

Any questions still @SoqedHozi ?

So i’ll just use an assign. Odd that when I had this working previously i had to use deserialise array.

so if I am correct the boolean values will need .value and the string do not need this.

I would write for example JSON_Deserialised.root(“Trigger_Words”).element(“DRA”).attribute.value

However, I get a message that attribute is not a member of the jtoken

That entirely based on the JSON,

Just give only this part and try @SoqedHozi

element is not a member

Sorry, my bad :slight_smile:

Element wont be a part of JToken . root(“name”) will return JToken . So we need to use Item instead of element

Try this @SoqedHozi


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Thanks, I’d just figured that out going through the list of options!

I am then using .value(of boolean) to set correctly the variable type. I will test this shortly once I’ve changed all my deserialises to assigns!

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