Can you join datatable without duplication?

With one of my work fellows @kumar.varun2 we developed an approach

  • we merged all dt into one
  • grouped on the ID
  • created from each column from the groupmembers a helper tuple
  • filtered out the empty value ones
  • driven by the data column schema we build the itemarray where missing ones were creared with empty vlaues
  • added the merged row to an result datatable

Varun will continue on this approach with details and samples

we were also able to extend this approach to merge multiple datatable and implemented some rules where to pick when more datatables has the value for a particular column.

The motivation about this was:

  • the case is not a merge only usage - as the rows are not merged within one row
  • it is not a side-by-side merge
  • the data joins were not appropriate enough and satisfying
  • we looked for an approach handling multi datatable merges
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