Writtng in excel

I am having a Doubt
i am reading excel file…
With for each activity i am looping through each cell of column “Name” and “Salary”
i want a Flow that if name repeating>1… then sum of the same name salary.


Hi @Satyam_Shrivastava

Can you share us a sample input and expected output

Assuming the input like below to be yours. I have done the flow:
→ Read Range Workbook
Output: dt_Input
→ Use Below syntax in Assign:

dt_Output = (From row In dt_Input.AsEnumerable()
                    Group row By Name = row.Field(Of String)("Name") Into Group
                    Let TotalSalary = Group.Sum(Function(x) Convert.ToDouble(x("Salary")))
                    Select dt_Input.Clone().Rows.Add(Name, TotalSalary)).CopyToDataTable()

dt_Output is of DataType System.Data.DataTable
→ Write Range Workbook dt_Output.

BlankProcess17.zip (46.8 KB)

Input Sheet is Input and Output sheet is Output.




(From row In yourDataTableVar.AsEnumerable()
    Group row By key = New With {Key .Name = row.Field(Of String)("Name")} Into Group
    Let sumSalary = Group.Sum(Function(r) Convert.ToDouble(r.Field(Of Double)("Salary")))
    Select yourDataTableVar.Clone().Rows.Add(Group.First().ItemArray.Take(Group.First().ItemArray.Length - 1).Concat({sumSalary}).ToArray())).CopyToDataTable()

Sequence6.zip (1.8 KB)

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Hi @Satyam_Shrivastava

Follow the below approch.

Assign activity:
    nameSalaries = New Dictionary(Of String, Double)

For Each Row activity (ForEachRow in dt):
    If activity:
        Condition: nameSalaries.ContainsKey(row("Name").ToString())
            Assign activity:
                nameSalaries(row("Name").ToString()) += CDbl(row("Salary").ToString())
            Assign activity:
                nameSalaries(row("Name").ToString()) = CDbl(row("Salary").ToString())

For Each activity (item in nameSalaries):
    Log Message activity:
        Text: "Name: " + item.Key + ", Total Salary: " + item.Value.ToString()

Hope it helps!!

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Hi @Satyam_Shrivastava

Follow the zip file. Hope this will meet your requirement.


could you please let me know activity from scratch and what would be data tpe of


nameSalaries is of Dictionary Type
In the variables Panel,Go to Browse for types and type

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what would be data type… for this

nameSalaries(row(“Name”).ToString()) += CDbl(row(“Salary”).ToString())


Use Assign activity
No need to any data type it is to save automatically in the current row of salary.

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