Writing Data to an Open Excel File Using UiPath

I have created a process where the robot runs every 5 minutes, reads Gmail, extracts PDF files, and converts the important data into an Excel file.

I’ve created a process where the robot runs every 5 minutes, reads Gmail, extracts PDF files, and inputs the important data into an Excel file. The process works perfectly.

However, I’ve encountered a scenario where the Excel file is open, and the robot is unable to write data to it, resulting in an error in Orchestrator. Is there a way to write data to the Excel file even if it is open?

Thank you!

Hi @Aakash_Sharma4

What are the activities have you used to write the data in the excel.

If you are using Excel activities it will write the data weather it open or close. Might be you haven’t given the proper excel path. Check the path.

Hope it helps!!


You can add kill process activity to kill or close the excel application so your next activity will not fail.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

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Please use workbook activities instead of Excel Application scope.

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Thank you for helping me.

I am using Write Range Workbook. Could you please tell me which Excel activity I should use?

Thank you for replying.

As I am a beginner, could you please tell me what I need to add in the Kill Process activity?

Thank you for replying.

I am using Write range workbook. Which workbook activity should I use?



In process name put “excel”

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

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Below are the activities you can use.

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Thank you for helping me.

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