HEllo experts!
First post here and Im quite new at UiPath
I have the following isue…
I have an Excel with names which i use to enter and submit into a web form. Every time I submit a name i get a result on a new page. How do i get that result written into the same excel into the coloumn next to the name
I tried something but it always writes in the same column and does not move it “down” for the next name
Thank you all in advance - and sorry if this has already been covered but i tried finding the solution here and couldnt
First of all, read the Excel containing names into a datatable,
Then use an ‘Add data Column’ activity - Insert Column name, Datatable and any property as per requirement.
Perform steps for completing the Web form inside a ‘For each row in Datatable’ activity.
After you have the result, save that result using assign activity in the column added above. Since these steps are in For each activity of datatable, the result will be saved next to your current name.
For Each Row activity (TypeArgument: DataRow, Values: YourDataTable)
// Assuming the name column is in the first position (index 0)
Assign activity:
name = row(0).ToString()
// Type the name into the web form and submit
// Scrape the result from the web page
Get Text activity:
ResultText = Extracted result
// Write the result back to Excel in the next column
Assign activity:
row(1) = ResultText // Assuming the result is written in the column next to the name
// Optionally, you can use Write Cell or Write Range to update the Excel file