I have concern regarding activity Write Range, working in Excel Application Scope.
I’m filling .xlsm file with lot of formulas, restrictions, etc. and only Excel App Scope is working to let robot fill ranges. (other write range just don’t work because of how file is generated).
Some fields require data in specific format, but I can’t prepare data prior, as I don’t know all of the data. I just need to fill columns with specific color.
My issue is, when robot tries to fill column with Write Range with incorrect data, Excel shows pop-up “Not correct data provided”, but the activity Write Range itself will not throw error or go into timeout phase. It will stay stuck like this forever.
I cannot check if this pop-up exists, because robot is still stuck on Write Range. Write Range also does not have timeout built in.
Anyone faced similar issue and know how to overcome it? How to break this infinity?
I don’t know how to escape this situation in Excel.
But I don’t wanna extract data. I wanna write it to the Excel file.
Hi @olgu
Is there a custom validation in the excel that is why you are getting the pop up?
Can you post the screenshot of the pop along with the excel.
Also try using the Parallel activity to deal with the pop up.
Hope this helps
Thanks, indeed parallel activity helps here a lot!
Yes - these are custom validation pop ups.
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