Write cell with formula containing special symbols

Now it goes fine with UIPAth, but after that its unable to open excel file.
Have you tried to open it?
I wonder why it works when I paste this formula manually, and doesnt work after Robot made it…

What was the error? @Slavich,

Just check if any excel processes are running in task manager

@Slavich - I hate dealing with double quotes in a string, I can never remember exactly how to escape them in specific situations. Now whenever I want to have double quotes in a string, I always replace with Chr(34) instead. So it would be like this in your original example "=(N" + Chr(34) + Chr(34) + "&B1&" + Chr(34) + Chr(34) + ",...)"

Whenever I open excel after procedure, I says - “file opening is failed, would you like to restore…”.
Processes of excel do run before by robot. Adding this formula - the last step.

How to write ₹13499 this value in particular cell