Working without transaction

Hi everyone,

I have to get data from Citrix , I use framework but in this project I haven’t transacion .
So when I try to run the main .xaml , this step is stoped before started the process.xaml

I have 2 cuestion:

1_ It is possible work with framework in this case ? if it is OK, how work it?
2_ In the same project I try found an element in citrix but it is impossible when I use IF activity after this because IF activity is for a boolean variable; how solved it ?

Thanks in advanced and best regards


You can Short the framework as shown below - This will work only Once

Save the Output of the ElementExists - This will return you a true or false .


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Hi @ mukeshkala

I try it but I have errors , can you help me .

I moust delete argument “TransactionItem”?

Thanks (69.3 KB)

Please use the attached Framework for Linear Process.


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thanks for all

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