Workflow failing from 2nd time of execution

"iexplore save as " option is not working from 2nd execution when workflow is scheduled from UiPath Orchestrator. And If I am logging in to BOT and closing. again once it is working and failing from 2nd time.

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Have you checked if the selector is changing in those 2 iterations? Try to compare them and make sure that its dynamic enough.

Rammohan B.

then if I am login in in the BOT Server and just closing, again it is running for once. and failing from 2nd time

Capture the selector for the failed instance and see the difference.

Rammohan B.

I had a similar issue, its more of a selector issue.
Are you using FindElement first then clicking on the the save as drop down? or just doing the click?

find element first then click.

The SAVE,SAVE AS sequence is the most vulnerable to fail. Put "Delay Before " & simulate in each click and “type” to solve your issue. DONOT use the “Delay Acitivity”, use delay before property inside click/type
The reason these steps fail is that the Uipath activities like , “type”, “click” or even "element exist "or “find element” see the object as loaded/Ready sometimes even when the GUI has not loaded them completely. Some of these object need a little breathing time even after they are rendered on the screen. so use “simulate” with delay before.
Uipath Clicks will go wasted in case you dont follow the properties i mentioned above

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