Workflow does run from UIRobot but is stuck in pending state when run from orchestrator (same robot)

This is usually caused by a licensing issue where Orchestrator thinks all the robot licenses are used up, therefore it doesn’t start until a license is freed up.

I would first suggest, Filtering your Jobs by Running and all days to make sure nothing is running. Then, I would suggest going to “License” under the menu in top right corner (where the orange circle is). On that screen, you can click on “See More” under the licenses that you are using. This will list all the Robots and Machines and tell you if there are any available. Ideally, you want “Runtimes” to be equal to “Robots” number, and “Used” should be on 0 if there are no jobs running.

If you see licenses being “Used” even though they are not, then you will probably need to restart that machine.

I hope this helps.
