Word and Rich text dcument text reading

Hi ,

I have a list of documents in my folder, around 3000, which consists of doc, docx, rtfs and pdfs. I ahve a list of keywords to search on each of the doc (keywords remain the same). Which is the best way to do it ? Document understanding seems a vast topic , any specific leads would be really appreciated.

i have 12 keywords to search in each document and want to categorise them based on their match.

I tried getfiles from folder and reading them as a text. But using the option of ‘Read text’ and ‘Read pdf’ I am only able to read .docx and pdf. I am unable to read .doc and .rtf files. How do i read them ?

Hi @Purnima_Sambasivan

Below is the workflow for your Query :-
MainPratik.xaml (15.4 KB)

Refer below thread to read .rtf file :-

Workflow SS :-


Mark as solution and like it if this helps you :slight_smile:

Happy Automation :raised_hands:

Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal :robot::man_technologist:t4: :computer:

Wow…Thank you So much! I also did the same thing later and got the result. Will mark as solution

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