Why it does not select the item in "combo box" when i use the activity "Select Item"

Hi! How are you? I´m new in this world of RPA and i´m creating a process where i use the “Select Item” activity for a drop down list where it contains the different formats that you can download the dataset and i select “Microsoft Excel (*xls)” but only changes de name and not the format, so when i continue executing the process the file es download in Crystal Format instead of Excel. I leave here an image so that you cduda%20uipath an understand it better.

Hi @Cristobal_Daponte,

Welcome to UiPath Developer Forum!

Have you selected the dropdownlist item from UiPath Studio?

Are you getting any error while saving?

Check the selector of the select item, possible share it here, we will check and let you know where is the issue.

Hi @Cristobal_Daponte,
Welcome them to our community!
You don’t need to use all that. You can easily archive this using move file and save it like this:
Not only you will move the file you will also be able to rename it and change extension.

While saving the file we can use a simple TYPE INTO activity with file name and file extension we want to save it with as well
Like this

Cheers @Cristobal_Daponte

Hi! The only error while saving is that the file stores in Crystal format instead of Excel.

Here i leave you the selector:


what is the file name your are passing and share the selectors. Not able to see in your previous post.


Not able to see it still, possible share a sample workflow with the options you have tried. Will check from my end.
