Why I always get the last row data when using "For Each" with web scaping?

Hi, I’m trying to use “For Each” row in excel to do web scraping by "Get Text. The “Get Text” work normally but I only get the last row of the data in excel.
For example, I try to get temperature of each day in June 2022, so I list all the date in June in excel file and use “For Each” row in excel to scrape them from web. The result will always end up a data of 30th June every day. If I change the last row in excel file to 29th June it will end up a data of 29th June every day. The loop open web for each day as intend but not the data.

Thank you in advance.

@Cheatken can you put here excel screenshot for more clearance what you want and what is coming

Hi, The excel is like this
The data that I want to extract release twice a month.
I use those number to place in web URL so that it change each time according to the data release.

Please check in datatable data is completely coming or not?.
For this use “output datatable activity” where give datatable and string veriable as output.

In message box put string output veriable.
Check data is coming or not.

Like this ?

Yes. Now print string varible and check output

Yes It shows.

@Cheatken now show me loop and how you are getting data from it.


I use list of date to put in URL

@Cheatken so you are appending date in url?

I don’t really know what that mean, but I guess it is what you think.

@Cheatken can you give me workflow.

It is pretty long. Please tell me how can I do that?
Is there a way to extract and save the workflow?

@Cheatken please send over email.

Ok, it should reach you in a few moment. Thanks

Ok give me few moments after lunch I wil look it. Hope for best.

Sure, thank you.

@Cheatken you are using Row(0) that way you get Last row value
you should be rowindex property of for each activity value instead of “0”


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Can you please tell me, how to do the rowindex?

@Cheatken in the property panel you can see rowindex property use that variable

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