Why [Get Text] activity did not get the text from TXT?

Hello, community, what reasons for [Get Text] activity not obtaining the text from TXT are ?
How could I solve it?
Thanks in advance.


use read text file activity


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Thanks @Anil_G
Here are not output text in output message.

Hi @Dingkun_Yang

Try this way, no need to use the Open appplication

Gowtham K

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Thanks @Gowtham_K115
Nothing showed. Do you have any other suggestions ?

What does the properties for your read text file activity look like?
Are you outputing the textfile to the same variable as you are using in the message box activity?

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  1. Create a new sequence or workflow
  2. Drag a read text file and select the file…in the properties …give a variable for output to field
  3. Now use a message box and give the input as the variable used in the output to field


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