Why does UIPath PDF break my entire automation as soon as i download it?

whenever i use UI path i typically have no issues, but when i use PDF package, the entire thing just breaks and i dont understand why.

Could you give us more context? which UiPath studio version you have, and the packages version used, also the error message that it throws.

I fixed that issue, but do you know the security settings of UI Path?

Hey Anthony, this is a very open question because depending on the product you can have different security options but in general you will have Role-Based Access Control and also different types Identity Management and Authentication( SSO, MFA, Oauth, etc…). Depending on the configuration that you apply you could also have Data Encryption.
In Orchestrator you could apply Secure Credential Management using assets and also you could Audit Logs and Monitoring.

There are more security configurations that you could apply and those will be different for each product.