While Reading the Excel throw exception

While reading the excel through a exception like,

Exception : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.OpenXmlPackageException: Invalid Hyperlink: Malformed URI is embedded as a hyperlink in the document.\r\n at DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.OpenXmlPackage.Load()\r\n at DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.OpenXmlPackage.OpenCore(String path, Boolean readWriteMode)\r\n at DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.SpreadsheetDocument.Open(String path, Boolean isEditable, OpenSettings openSettings)\r\n at ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.LoadSheets(String fileName) in C:\Projects\ClosedXML\ClosedXML\Excel\XLWorkbook_Load.cs:line 44\r\n at UiPath.Excel.WorkbookFile…ctor(String workbookPath, Boolean createNew)\r\n at UiPath.Excel.Activities.WorkbookActivity1.ConstructWorkbook(String path, String password, Boolean createNew)\r\n at UiPath.Excel.Activities.WorkbookActivity1.BeginExecute(AsyncCodeActivityContext context, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)\r\n at System.Activities.AsyncCodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)\r\n at System.Activities.ActivityInstance.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)\r\n at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)

One of the column value in that excel is like “Password@123*” ,If I changed that format to normal its working.

Anybody knows kindly give solution for the above issue.

Tharma KS

Is it possible for you to attach your excel and workflow?

Rammohan B.

We can read the excel by removing the hyperlink value in the cells

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Ya it’s working but in live we can’t force user to do the changes like that, so kindly suggest better solution.

Tharma KS

did you get any solution for this

Hi @niteshvnr

Could you attach an example Excel file? I have trouble reproducing the issue on Excel activity package 2.5.3.

Please update the activity package here and see if it will work then :slight_smile: