while iterating the list of excel using read range activity it throws an duplicate column name error
While iterating the list of excel using read range activity it throws an duplicate column name error
For Read range activity to work with Property Add headers checked , in excel the column name should be unique,
Can you please check your excel if it has Same column name for different columns
yes i have duplicate column name
in same excel !
@pravin_calvin Try Making the Excel Columns as unique column or Remove the Add header check box from Property , Your error will go
while reading i have used add headers property to unchecked and but i want the headers in future and write range into another excel !
@pravin_calvin then make the column as unique ,
Like if you have Tax, Tax, Give one column as Tax1 . i will fix it
but we dont have rights to edit the excel !
Yes then what problem you are facing?
while iterating the list of excel we have that issue in the duplicate column names error!
As you have unchecked the headers option it will not throw error for duplicate
but i want the column name to write in another excel !
u can skip the first row while iterating the datatable so your column names will be there only then use write range without Add headers
Check this demo
Test.xlsx (8.3 KB) AddHeaders.xaml (10.5 KB)
If you cannot change the column names in excel, I would suggest to build an empty datatable with the desired column names and format and import the data without headers using read range activities.
it sounds good but it has 312 columns