While Exporting the PDF to Word Document, unwanted text extracted i.e. actual text getting replaced with incorrect text

The use case states, we need to extract the tables from the PDF (input files) and collate into a single table in an excel.
While doing that we are extracting the tables from the PDF basically exporting the PDF page(which contains table) into a word document and then copying the table (using table index) from word document to excel.

When we export the PDF to Word document the issue comes up , where some of the texts are getting changed and extracted incorrectly i.e. actual text is getting replaced with unwanted text.

Code we used to export PDF to word :
var wordApplication = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
var myDocument = wordApplication.Documents.Open(in_PdfFilePath);

myDocument.SaveAs2(in_WordFilePath, WdSaveFormat.wdFormatDocumentDefault);

catch( Exception e)
Console.WriteLine(e.Source.ToString()+" “+e.Message.ToString()+” "+e.TargetSite.ToString());

Uploading: PDF To Word Export.docx…
Please find attached input and output files here.
PDF Input File (Table) –

PDF Input File (Table) –

Exported Word Document table (copied to excel):