Which data type is best suited to store the values of month names? Multiple Choice

Pls help with this question. i’m studying for the Associate Certification.


String [] string array datatype is best suited here.


As it is a constant list of values that are present…we can go with string array (string[])


A should be fine as per the question scenario

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hi @nevesisabela963 ,

Option D is correct becauseList<String> allows for dynamic resizing, which can be useful if you want to add or remove months easily.

I was looking for an answer to this question in the questionnaire because I chose string and it gave me the wrong answer.
This makes me think that the questionnaire is wrong, because I maintain that string is the correct one.
There are 12 months in a year, and that is unalterable, it never changes, it is the perfect example of an array; you don’t have to add or remove months, because there will always be 12.
Therefore, the only explanation I can find for why it is answered as wrong is that the questionnaire, although it is the official UiPath one, designed to prepare for the certification exam, is not reliable.



Couldn’t agree more! Practice test is just for practice and can have questions like this and incorrect correct answers. In real exam I never observed this.

Cheers! :v:

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I am very distrustful of the questionnaire, as this test is supposed to be helpful and not cause confusion.
It makes no sense for students to be misled.
It also shows a very worrying lack of attention from UiPath Academy to its students. They do not review the tests before publishing them. This is very sensitive. It leads to confusion and in the real exam you can fail precisely for exceeding the error limit with this question.

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I completely agree. This is making me so confused :confused:

@Antonio_Perez, @nevesisabela963

I don’t think there are many wrong answers but I think we can share feedback on the result page or here: Contact UiPath Learning

Feel free to post the confusing questions on the Forum. Let’s brainstorm on them and find the best answers

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I have had this happen with more questions than is acceptable.
Questions should not be posted without having been carefully reviewed first.


@loginerror, @Forum_Chatbot who can help in here to rectify Practice Test questions with incorrect answer?

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@Antonio_Perez , @ashokkarale
I sent a message to UiPath support regarding this issue, and they gave me the following response:

I believe this is the correct answer because it mentions a variable number of months, meaning these months vary. Therefore, an Array would not be the right choice, but rather a List.

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Thank you for the update @nevesisabela963.

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I do not agree. The answer that you have been given by UiPath Support continues to not convince me.
The months of the year are invariable, there are 12, a List is not necessary because you will not have to add or remove months. And every time you study what an array is, the most used example is the months of the year, it is the typical example to explain it. Another clear example would be, for example, the floors of a building, if the building has 12 floors, it is also invariable, it is very difficult for them to build a new floor.
Therefore, indexing by the months of the year would be very simple, you know that there are 12 and that January will always be index 0 and August 7, and that’s it.
Also, the answer is not what data type can be used (which is what they say from support, that you can use a List) but the exact question is what is the BEST data type to store the names of the months of the year, and that is clearly an array and not a list.

…Knowing that in all the explanations of what an array is, they explain it with the months of the year, even in the UiPath Academy courses, would you risk putting List in a real certification exam?..

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I get your point that the number of months doesn’t vary in terms of quantity, but in the context of this question, the phrase ‘variable number of months’ seems essential for determining the answer. From my understanding, the question is not referring to all 12 fixed months of the year, but rather to a variable number of months to be processed in each execution. There may be cases where it’s necessary to iterate over a set of months that changes frequently. For example, the process might only need to handle months that contain specific data within a certain period, which wouldn’t necessarily include all 12 months. In this case, a List seems to be the more suitable option.

Honestly, I find it a bit hard to picture a situation where this list of months wouldn’t be static. I probably would’ve picked the array as the correct answer, but I’ll definitely try to keep an eye out for these details in the questions moving forward.

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I still don’t agree.
I have learned, because I have fallen into traps many times, that the statement is often just a distraction, and the important thing is the question itself that is in that same statement. In this case, everything that is said about emails is just a distraction, even what is mentioned about the use of ‘For Each’ is also a distraction that does not affect the question, which in essence is: “Which data type is best suited to store the values ​​of the names of the months?”. It does not even say for this particular case.
Special emphasis on “names of the months”, and that is indisputably 12 and only 12, and it is not variable.
What is the point of making a list with January, February, June, September and November? and then when new emails arrive you are going to add months until you finally have 12?
And leaving aside the content and going to the root, what kind of questions are these? They only create confusion among students. Seriously, don’t you have a little creativity to think of a question where you can use a list other than with an example where the use of an array is clearly advised?

I have reported the question and in my case they have not tried to convince me with an answer that hides the underlying problem. They have told me that they will correct the question and update it.
Whether it is true that they do it or not… that remains to be seen.

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Yes, that’s true. I agree with you. Using months in this question and expecting the answer to be List is totally inappropriate; it creates more confusion than anything else. I tried to think of a situation with the alternative they gave me, but I also don’t see the point in these questions that seem more like tricks. I hope they improve this test.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, @Antonio_Perez

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