Where is For Each UI Element storing its selector/filter?

I have a For Each UI Element that works when I initially configure it and then doesn’t work again, so I need to be able to see the selector/filter for the UI elements it’s looking for. All the activity appears to show is the selector of the container object. How can I see the rest of the details for this activity so I can actually make it work?

You could try the UI Explorer, while the For Each UI Element Activity is selected, in the properties panel expand “Target” and click on the three dots beside “Strict Selector”, after that you will see an Open in UI Explorer option click it. Hope this is what you were looking for.

That’s the selector of the container object. I want to see the properties that are controlling which elements inside the container it’s going to loop through.

are you looking for the extract metadata as the for each ui element is a derivate of the Table Extract

If that’s what controls which elements on the page are looped through, yes. Did you get that from within the XAML?

yes, inspected the XAML within notepad++ and loop / filter was configured to loop over LI elements

That’s a useful workaround but I think it should be displayed in the activity like it is with Find Children.

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