Where did my tooltips go?

In v2020 of Studio, when I published a custom library activity in Studio and included tooltips in the arguments, I could hover over the respective arguments in the properties window and the tool tip would appear.

In version 2022.10 however, these custom activities are now created as “activity cards”, and I cannot find any way to display the corresponding tool tips. HOW DO I DO THIS?

Please and thank you, all!

check the expression editor


Nope… nothing there.

then give us please details

  • UiPath Studio Version
  • selected compability legacy, windows , was it migrated from legacy to windows
  • UiPath.System.Activities Version
  • C# or VB.Net



  1. Studio version is 2022.10.5
  2. Automation is native Windows-compatible .NET6
  3. UiPath.System.Activities 22.10.5
  4. VB scripting

Thanks for the time!

displayed when hovering the label

But can be disturbed by some UiPath Studio Versions 22.10. 3,4,5 on this feature and/or output/advanced properties

Unfortunately when I hover over the label I get the same thing… just the argument type and name… no tooltip. So you think it’s a bug in versions 2022.10 3 thru 5?