Where can I find the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Activities?

There is a listing on docs.uipath.com for D365 Finance and Operations activities, but I cannot find them in the official feed anywhere, nor is there any release information on the activities docs page. Is this activities package just an idea at this point? If so, when are these scheduled to be released, and can a note be added to the documentation that these do not exist yet?

Additionally, is there any plan to add the Finance and Operations side of D365 to Integration Services?


Check below for your reference

Hope this will help you



Above is the classic version which doesn’t have any support, but I found a package which is with Dynamics CRM

Install and try this package, Hope this may help you


Thanks for your reply. This package is not available to me through any of the official feeds. I am also looking for a stable release, not a preview. Although I guess only prerelease being available answers my question about them not necessarily existing yet. This would be a very useful note in the documentation for these activities
