When Updating An Asset Via API, Error "Asset Does Not Exist" Thrown

Error fix for "Asset does not exist" thrown when updating an asset via API the error.

Issue Description: When trying to update an Asset in Orchestrator using the “PUT /odata/Assets({Id})” call, an error message is retrieved: {“message”: “Asset does not exist.”, “errorCode”: 1002, “resourceIds”: null}

Root Cause: This happens when the Asset ID is not specified in the body JSON request.

Resolution: The call to this endpoint must contain the following information

  • Authorization: Bearer Token
  • Headers: X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId : 2549819

Body of type JSON:

To this endpoint, also send a custom body specifying just the relevant information, for example:
"Id": 338774,
"StringValue": "TestedStringValue",
"ValueType": "Text",
"Name": "Cloud_Orchestrator_URL_modified",
"Description": null,
"ValueScope": "Global",
"HasDefaultValue": true,
"CanBeDeleted": true

If everything is correct, it should now be possible to modify the Asset and the response code will be 200.

Read more on the Orchestrator API - Assets Request .

When trying to update an Asset in Orchestrator using the " PUT /odata/Assets({ Id })" call, an error message is retrieved:
{“message”: “Asset does not exist.”, “errorCode”: 1002, “resourceIds”: null}

This is happening when the Asset ID is not specified in the body JSON request. The call to this endpoint must contain the following information:

Authorization: Bearer Token
Headers: X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId : xxxxxx
Body of type JSON

To this endpoint we can also send a custom body specifying just the relevant information, for example:

{ “Id”: 338774, “StringValue”: “TestedStringValue”, “ValueType”: “Text”, “Name”: “Cloud_Orchestrator_URL_modified”, “Description”: null, “ValueScope”: “Global”, “HasDefaultValue”: true, “CanBeDeleted”: true }

If everything is correct, you will be able to modify the Asset and the response code will be 200.