When Trying To Start Any Robot On A Particular Machine, Error "The machine key is linked to another machine!" Occurs

How to resolve the error received when it is not possible to start any Robot on a particular PC from Orchestrator, "The machine key is linked to another machine!"

Issue Description: Despite the un-enrolling the PC, deleting Robot from Orchestrator, recreating a new Robot, enrolling the PC to Orchestrator, still the following error occurs: "The machine key is linked to another machine!" .

Resolution: This error could occur if the machine name given at the time of machine creation is different than the Robot hostname.

  1. Check the hostname running the below command in Command Prompt: ipconfig /all
  2. Check the Machine name from the Orchestrator


  • If the Machine name is different than the Host Name,
  1. Copy the Machine name as highlighted in the above screenshot
  2. Create the Machine with same name in the Orchestrator
  3. Configure the Robot in the Orchestrator with this Machine name
  4. Use the Machine Key for the same, while connecting the Robot.