When tranferring file, workflow is incomplete with errors

I’m transferring my file from my personal to work laptop.

When I try to open the file (Zipped then un zipped),

My workflow is incomplete and the error is said in the terminal,
“NU1801: Failed to retrieve information about UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities from remote source ‘https://gallery.uipath.com/api/v2/FindpackagesByld()?

How can I transfer the file succesfully?


Looks like Nuget package source sir is not whitelisted in your work machine.

If this can’t be whitelisted, to can copy this folder from your personal machine and paste it to same path on work machine.


Hi @angelico_mdc

Please double check that your official UiPath package feed configuration is correct:

Especially this one:
Official - The official online UiPath® feed, where you can find the activity packages that are officially supported by us. This feed has the following source: https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/uipath/Public.Feeds/_packaging/UiPath-Official/nuget/v3/index.json.