When Invoking A Workflow In PiP Session, Error "Child job stopped with unexpected exit code 0xFFFFFFFF" Occurs

How to resolve the error that occurs when trying to Invoke a workflow in PiP session, error " Child job stopped with unexpected exit code 0xFFFFFFFF " ?

Error Message: Child job stopped with unexpected exit code 0xFFFFFFFF .

Resolution: How the User Service (UiPath.Service.UserHost.exe) is started, with or without elevated rights impacts the functioning of invocation of the workflow.

As an example, opening the UiPath Studio as an Administrator, creating a workflow with the Isolated property in the Invoke Workflow activity is checked and then started, the isolated workflow (that starts UiPath.Executor.exe) will not connect to the user service, because one is elevated (the user service) and the other is not.

  • Change the compatibility setting of UiPath.Service.UserHost.exe to run as a non-admin. It shall allow the sub-processes to be executed successfully.