When I close and reopen the window I'm automating the selector can no longer be found. When I reindicate an identical selector is generated that can now be found


I am automating a WinForms application. I have come across an issue now multiple times where I indicate an element on the screen for the Type Into activity. It validates and works ok. However, if I close and reopen the WinForms application, the selector can no longer be found.

There are no dynamic identifiers being used in the selector


Open Application
Select Type Into activity
Select Indicate On Screen
The following selector is generated:

<wnd app='cumisforms.exe' ctrlname='MainForm' />
<wnd ctrlname='LoanApplication' />
<wnd ctrlname='tpcMain' />
<wnd ctrlname='tbpLoanApp' />
<wnd ctrlname='grpAppDetails' />
<wnd aaname='Amount requested' cls='WindowsForms10.Window.*' />
<wnd ctrlname='cboLoanPurpose' />
<ctrl role='editable text' />

Run workflow
Process runs successfully

Close application and reopen
Run process again
Process fails
Reindicate element
An identical selector is generated

<wnd app='cumisforms.exe' ctrlname='MainForm' />
<wnd ctrlname='LoanApplication' />
<wnd ctrlname='tpcMain' />
<wnd ctrlname='tbpLoanApp' />
<wnd ctrlname='grpAppDetails' />
<wnd aaname='Amount requested' cls='WindowsForms10.Window.*' />
<wnd ctrlname='cboLoanPurpose' />
<ctrl role='editable text' />

Run the process again and it works
Rinse and repeat

Selector after being Indicated initially

Selector after closing the application and reopening

Selector after reindicating (identical but now Validating)

Hi @m.finnegan !
I think that the trick relies on the attribute “aastate”
Before clicking the element you want, first use get attribute on your wanted element; if the aastate is “invisible, focusable” then you can click, otehrwise it has to loop on get attribute until the attribute aastate is what you look for

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Hi @m.finnegan

What is your version of Studio and UIAutomation activity package?

Does the same happen for a sample app, like a Notepad?

Hi I think Hiba_B has cracked it. Apologies for mislabelling as a bug. Thanks all

Awesome, no worries! :slight_smile:

That’s great !!
Don’t forget to close your topic by marking it as solved so we can focus on unresolved topics ^^