The status of robot on Orchestartor is ‘Available’ during it’s connecting with local PC and remote server through RDP connecting.
But the status become ‘Disconnected’ after I disconnected session between local PC and terminal server. Is this correct behavior??
How can I keep terminal server’s robot status ‘Available’ on Orchestrator after I disconnected session?
Must I change setting of Orchestrator?
Probably yes. Usually, UiPath keeps running even if you disconnect or lock. However, It depends on some server settings such as MaxDisconnectionTime registry etc.
I tried to running under disconnected and locked condition. It couldn’t ran correctly while it stayed connecting between robot and terminal server in spite of I changed regestry like below.
This document is not for locked screen / disconnected RDP but for Minimized RDP Window. They are not same.
What kind of error do you have?
If you want to run your workflow under locked screen etc ,you should use only background compatible activities such as Type Into(simulate type) etc.
Sorry I have a similar question.
Why does it become disconnected between orchestrator and robot on terminal server after I logged off terminal server?
When I log off terminal server, the applications on terminal server and any sessions of application are closed. That is reason why it can not stay connected between orchestrator and robot, is it correct?