What Src should be specified while using Get Attribute while working with IFrame?

Hello - may I please have further steps on this one? How do you get the src in step 4?


Can you please elaborate on this


Asking about the below instructions when working with iFrames:

How to work with an IFrame?

The selectors for a webpage which are built with iFrame are not exposed because an iFrame behaves as a separate page.

To automate, iFrame must be opened in a separate browser tab/session.

  1. Upgrade to the most recent stable version of UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities package available for your UiPath Studio Version.
  2. Drag and drop a Get Attribute activity into Use Browser activity
  3. Using UiExplorer, locate the src attribute of the iframe tag. This will be a URL
  4. Specify the src in the Attribute of the Get Attribute activity
  5. Drag and drop a Go To URL activity directly after the Get Attribute activity
  6. Specify the same String variable defined in “Save to” in the Get Attribute activity
  7. Run the automation and the URL within the iframe tag will open in a new tab
  8. Perform the actions on the URL in the new tab.



This is what it means,. Basically you are trying to get src which is a url and use it futher
