What now, when Database Activities Pack is no longer available?

Hello all

So I am trying to connect to an Oracle Database and can see that everyone refers to the Database Activity Pack, where you have a wonderful Connect activity, that I also have previously use without any problems.


Now the Database Activity Pack has been made open source and is no longer available as an activity. On the Database Activity Pack page (https://activities.uipath.com/docs/about-the-database-activities-pack) it says nothing about how to work with not having the activity available anymore, and I can find no information about this on GitHub.

Does anybody know how and where to use the connection string? And how can you define what database (MSSQL/Oracle) to use?

Hope that someone can shed light on this problem.

Thank you!




Have you tried searching this one in the Packages?


Even though they are open source, these activities are still supported by UiPath as stated in this topic: Open Source Activity packs for Community

Please go to Package manager and search for the Database activities pack in the Official feed, like @Jan_Brian_Despi suggested.


Hi! Thank you for your reply!

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I assumed that would be the reason for the activities not being available. II am running 2019.4.2 and when searching for the database package I get nothing:

What could be the reason for this, then?

What are your package sources?


This was the problem. Thank you! And sorry! i have should have know this.

Thank you all for the quick reply.

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No problem.
Feel free to approach me anytime :slight_smile:


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