What is the Main WebLink of Orhcestrator to be used for UiDemo Example?


What is the Main Address of Orhcestrator to be used for UiDemo Example?



Sorry I didn’t get you. What do you mean by Main Address ?

Could you please tell more details for better understanding.

Hello @lakshman, Thanks for prompt feedback.
As you know during Level3 Prepapartion, there is one course related to Re-Framework and there is one project at the end of the course called: UiDemo, and to be able to execute it you need to create queue and load it to orchestrator, So what will be the WebLink for Orchestrator to create Queue ? Thanks

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Do you have account in Orchestrator Cloud ?

If not then use below link and login with any of the available options like Google, Microsoft or LinkedIn.


Once you logged into it and go to Services page and there you will find your tenant name and click on that and it will redirect to your tenant region in the cloud. And here you can create Queue.

YES, I have an account but what will needed in Robots settings ? from where I get Machine Key : image


Go to Environments page in Orchestrator and configure that Robot machine in it and then you will get that Machine Key from that.

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1- Machine, 2-Robot, 3- Environment, than Queue, Right?



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Done but it shows “Unlicensed” , Is that OK?


Have you connected this robot machine with Orchestrator or not ?

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YES connected, but wait, the studio i have installed is entreprise edition with different orchestrator weblink than https://platform.uipath.com, Thx

Hi ,
Create machine , and map that machine to robot
Go to relevant machine and edit then you can copy machine key

Paste it in to your bot machine key request point
And make sure that your enterprise edition bot model
Means that which kind of bot u have (attended, unattended) you have to create same bot type on orchestrator bot creation

I suggest better create bot as development bot
And try

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Dears, I’m able to get the BOT in licensed mode even though I didn’t do anything just probably after log-out/log-in to orchestrator. Thx

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