What is the latest version of uipath community edition

Hi ,

i am currently using the version 2019.10.3 which i received the link from uipath after registering.one of my client was saying the latest version which starts with 2020.xx.x.

So just wanted to confirm which is the latest version of UIpath community edition ?


Studio 2020.2.0-beta.108 - 9/11/1953
Community License
EXE Installer

License Provider: Internal
Activation ID:

Update Channel: Preview

Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit
.NET Framework Version 4.7.2 or later


The latest community version available for download is
Stable Version 2019.10.4 and
Preview Version 20.2.0-beta.108

You can check the latest versions in UiPath Platform account.

  1. Log in to UiPath
  2. Navigate to Resource Center by Clicking the left menu
  3. Check the versions. and you can download those versions as well.

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