What is the default time for Pending jobs to go in Stopping state if the Stop after or Kill after value is not given in trigger?

What is the default time for Pending jobs to go in Stopping state if the Stop after or Kill after value is not given in trigger?

What do you mean stop after or kill after here please?


Hi @Ish_Pandey,

I don’t think there is a default time for this. If a loop occurs, it will continue indefinitely. Or pending jobs won’t automatically disappear after a while. It will queue up when the next job is done.

If you do not cancel them, each pending work will start working by queuing according to the availability of the robots. All waiting will continue in this way.


Hi @Nithinkrishna,

As far as I understand, this field is mentioned in the trigger field.

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Ah Ok, I am clear now. I also thought this is the way it would be working. Thanks for confirmation.

Okay got it. Thanks :slight_smile: :+1: