What is the Best Practice Method for Storing Pre-Existing Workflows?

Hey there!

Quick question regarding adding pre-existing workflows to a new project. Currently, I have a few different workflows that I’ve made for past projects. Some do some basic computing things, some send emails and have all of my Outlook credentials, so I don’t have to type them in hundreds of times. I recently found the “Import Workflows” feature in the Project Tab, which I believe would make things lots easier.

My question is, what is the best practice method for storing all of my pre-existing workflows for importing? Should each reusable workflow live in its own project? Or should I have one large master project that includes all of my reusable workflows? I assume it would be best to keep all of the reusable stuff in one place.

Thanks in advance!

Personally I like to create my reusable code as a library. This makes all my custom code into activities and allows me to version control them by using the manage package feature of UiPath. You can also use file folders to create subcategories in your library

You can create a library by starting a new library project and then copying all the workflows you’d like to reuse into the project folder.

Here’s an example of what one of my custom libraries looks like from the activities panel:


@zwils0 This is awesome! Thank you!

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