I see the ability to create user roles, but where do I assign these roles? When creating a user, I only see the option of selecting permission and the job title is free form. Or what is the purpose of this listing?
Are you talking about user roles in Orchestrator ?
If yes then please check below threads to get know more about these.
I should have been more specific. I was referring to the roles with Connect Enterprise Hub
Here is an update on this from UiPath support for others working with Connect Enterprise Hub.
– The user roles each have a description for them once you click the expand button next to them so you can learn more about each one. Additionally, if you reference this page, you can find out more about the roles each play in the process in CEH: UiPath Automation Hub. The user roles come into play on the actual automation idea page. If you click on Collaborators section of the idea, from there you can add users to the idea and give them a role and editing rights for it.
Please check the first 2 video tutorials that explain the Permissions at the platform level, and the user roles that can assigned at the automation profile level: https://docs.uipath.com/connect-enterprise/docs/manage-users-1