What is form extraxtor confidence level and how it works?

Hello All,
Can Anyone help me that how can I use keyword-based classifiers inside the Classify Document scope or train classifiers scope? I am not able to process all the files when I set them to a 90% confidence level But When the confidence level is set to 0% then all the files are being processed.
1.can anyone, please suggest that how the confidence level is calculated here and how it works?
2.This logic is also applicable for intelligent form extractor, please suggest me with that topic also.
Thanks in advance.

Hi @poulomi_dey
Quoting from UiPath Documentation . Please read the full details on this link:

If more than one template is defined for a given document type, the activity identifies the best matching template and continues the data extraction process using that template alone.
Once the template is identified, the requested values are computed and reported. The confidence of each value is influenced by the template match confidence along with the word match confidences for all the words that are included in that value. Word level matching is also influenced by the MinOverlapPercentage parameter, as it governs how strictly the Form Extractor should enforce value boundaries.

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