What is exact point of creating error

Am getting log given below. But am not able to find out what is the exact location or exact point of generating log.

> 10:00:38.2796 Info {"message":"Click on ","level":"Information","logType":"User","timeStamp":"2019-09-25T10:00:28.6234094-04:00","fingerprint":"84d310df-219f-4682-8833-086c5a80ab5e","windowsIdentity":"ASICLAIMS\\ws9901","machineName":"WS9930","processName":"AAAA","processVersion":"1.0.100","jobId":"63c9c813-a3fb-42d4-9df9-c6b28093883c","robotName":"ASICLAIMS\\WS9901","machineId":0}
> 10:02:49.1388 Error {"message":"Move Outlook Mail Message: The operation failed.","level":"Error","logType":"Default","timeStamp":"2019-09-25T10:02:49.1388038-04:00","fingerprint":"7fa1684e-4ac1-43a6-a1c4-df510ffbe274","windowsIdentity":"ASICLAIMS\\ws9901","machineName":"WS9930","processName":"AAAA","processVersion":"1.0.100","jobId":"63c9c813-a3fb-42d4-9df9-c6b28093883c","robotName":"ASICLAIMS\\WS9901","machineId":0,"fileName":"Main"}

we can check that in orchestrator logs
–go to JOB tab and click on the right end of the process you ran and click on VIEW LOGS and there we can find the exception and its message why it occured

Cheers @pankajs3

i am running without orchestrator.

You mean like the process is ran from robot tray or from studio
if its from robot tray, once after running the process we would have got the exception message as a prompt
if its ran from studio we would get the message why so

Cheers @pankajs3