While using the endpoint to get the job key, I am getting the XML format instead of the JSON format. This is the exception I am getting.
("deserialise json: unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. path ‘’, line 0, position 0).
So can I know the exact endpoint?
Can you please try using orchestrator http request activity please…even using http it shpuld work…but need to check what is the difference…did you happen to check what is the response type ? Is it application/json in your properties?..also if using from UiPath we generally us it using orchestrtaor http request which does not need authwntication as well and we just need to provide the relative urla nd not tbe complete as well
Yes,the response type is application/json. My main requirement is to get logs for each process from the on-premise orchestrator. And in one folder, I have three processes.
Hello sir,
Yes, there is a mistake in the endpoint. But I need to know AccountLogicalName and TenantLogicalName from the on-premise orchestrator to get “JOB KEY,” and I’m using this endpoint.