What is benifit to use CSV file in automation

Hi guys i am make excel automationin c# dot net and interop library and my file is always open in read only mode to over come this problem i have added kill process but some one suggest me to use CSV file can you please help me know what is benifit to use CSV file in automation.


Using a CSV file instead of Excel for automation has its own set of benefits and considerations.

Benefits of Using CSV Files:

-Ease of Integration
-Version Control
-Speed and Reduced Dependency


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How to read, write csv and perform other operation in c# ?

If is that file open in background shall it’s show in read only or not?

-Reading, writing CSV files, and performing other operations in C# can be done using the System.IO namespace for basic file operations and libraries like CsvHelper for more advanced CSV handling.

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Anything else which is importent for csv


There might not be any special adavantages

Few are here

  1. It does not need excel to be installed as it is not an excel based extension
  2. Relatively smaller size than excels
  3. Can be read and used just as a text file


HI @Aleem_Khan ,
Smaller storage capacity
can save as excel without application
You can use several Text file activities together