What expression to use instead of one expression i have used in exchange to get only date time

instead of this expression “received: >=10/24/2022 AND received: <=10/28/2022” i want to use another expression to get only in exchange to get only date time

like my outputs are coming like this

But i want output to be like this so how to write expression to get only date time like mentioned in exchange get mails?

HI @sathish_Kumar6

Try with expression

DateTime.ParseExact(CurrentRow(0).ToString.Trim,"ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss +0530",System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")


HI @sathish_Kumar6

After writing the details in the excel use the Formet cells activity and give your custom format there


If you needed only UiPath activitie you can use the modern activity formating check out the modern activities steps in the link @sathish_Kumar6


thanks for the help its helpful but actually i mention it for to get mails from get exchange mail activities so i need to edit my topic i guess so sorry for the mistake

No worries @sathish_Kumar6

Can you share you sample XAML file. How did you write into the excel file?


sure ill upload it actually i got some error after running anyway ill share the xaml

GreaterThanDate (1).xaml (16.1 KB)
Book1 to forum.xlsx (9.5 KB)


HI @sathish_Kumar6

This not the issue at all. In the excel file it has an empty so it appeared.

This the Output of you XAML file.


thank you but i also need another format so ill create new topic

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