What does this Message mean: The property 'Collection' of 'Add to collection' is not initialized

You need to initialize the collection before using it.

If you import the “Workflow Manager Activities” package, by Microsoft, you get some neat activities one of which is “Build Collection”. Simply drop this activity onto your work area before using the collection and you will be prompted to provide a type. You can also use the ctrl+k shortcut to create the variable which will match the type you selected when you drop in the activity.


Please follow below tutorial on collection UiPath Tutorials For Beginners - Collection Methods - YouTube


ok, resolve the init integer problem.

setting the assing

Whenever you use a collection such as " List < T > " , " Dictionary<T,T> " , you have to create an “object” of the LIST or Dictionary by using the “new” key word. either in the code or in the variable panel. This will solve the issue.'.

I got it worked by assigning like this. However there is a small typo in your answer. Collection instead of Collections. Assign your collection variable to following.

New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Data.DataRow)