Weird excel error

I have a process that uses the read range activity to read a sheet called “Template” from the excel document provided. This was working up until recently where I encountered the below error:

I find it strange that it is looking for a Sheet1 when the activity is coded to look for “Template”.

sometimes caches do confusion.
Can you restart UiPath and check again?

Unfortunately that did not help. We’ve tried checking the workbook to see if there is anything weird or any hidden sheets, we’ve noticed nothing of significance.

was it always set to “Template” or is it a result of a renaming.
Otherwise, delect activity and remodel it again (we encountered this in rare cases, that updates were not correctly applied)

There were no changes to this workflow at the time it errored, I did end up commenting out those activities and using an excel application scope read range activities instead, which is currently working.