Webscraping for getting numbers of liked list into csv automation

hello guys,
greeting’s for the day!

as i’m new to automation as a demo i wanted to get number of like’s data out of a social post (e.g.: myshu,shonu and others liked you) i wanted to get all the people names in a csv file can any one help out here how to create this bot

thanks in advance

Hi @vijayalakshmi8 can you please share from where you want to get these likes information means which we site you want if possible pleas share some screen shots so that we can able to give suggestions.

i want to extract information from linkdin like comments,likes and discriptions etc

Okay @vijayalakshmi8 fine …for to get the likes after the likes symbol count will be there so you can get that count and if you click that you will who likes and and all information you will get if anyone is commented comments symbol will be available and count will be available and try to build dynamic selectors.

Check this likes are 2240 and comments are 56

hey @kalyanDev its been long time sorry i was unavailable to rply you but can you give a brief about how to perform it
i didnt understand how to use dynamic selectors

cheers @kalyanDev

Hi @vijayalakshmi8 for you requirement you want how many are liked the post and names right so after the like button how many are liked count is there right so click on the count and then you will get list of all persons who liked then use data scraping to get all.