Webpage data scraping shows result that does not exist

I am trying to scrap data from a webpage which contains html table. The table is structured as the screenshot. I am extracting the whole ‘Company registered District’ column>saving column as data table>remove duplicates from data table> join the extracted table with a standard table> write join data table output in a csv file.

My problem is sometimes even if a data is not present in the column of the html table it is shown in the result file (for example the district ‘Dhaka’). Although the text ‘Dhaka’ is present in several other column. How can I solve this error?

I am also curious if it is possible to use browser’s ‘Find in this page’ option along with a for each loop and get the results in a csv file. My process would be much simpler then. I could then just record the occurrence of all the 64 districts in this page.

Check District Firefox.zip (566.9 KB)
Webpage.zip (2.3 MB)

Hi @emon.matlab,

based on which column you’re joining both the datatables.
In both the tables that column value should be unique.

Sanjit Pal

Hello @emon.matlab ,

here you are doing many action on the excel and datatable. Could you verify each step one by one and understand whether you are missing something. So execute in debug mode step into.

I doubt here some error is happening in the Join part as other things are direct action on the Datatable. Better you can print the 2 table in two different sheets and verify it once manually.

I verified manually and got the same result. Run the process in several other similar webpage got the same result. The district ‘Dhaka’ is always added. I think there may be some issues with the selector of the page. It is to be mentioned that the district ‘Dhaka’ has more than 100 occurrences in other columns.

Thanks for the help anyway. Sorry for late response. In my original pc uipath is not working with any browser. Currently using an alternative one.

Both of my data tables only have one column each. Should I have different column names you mean? I am using left join method. Thanks for the help.

Thanks for the help anyway. Sorry for late response. In my original pc uipath is not working with any browser. Currently using an alternative one.

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