
Does anyone here use webhooks to send information to any external System like BPM or other tools? What kind of URL should be passed in the webhooks URL either a REST or SOAP? Is there any example available to know how to pass the information from webhooks to another system.

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Hi @RameshGJ

Welcome to our UiPath Forum! :slight_smile:

Are you referring to the Orchestrator Webhooks? If so, we have the feature documented here:

Just to see how it works, you could set one up with the testing website, for example this webhook.site. You could then see the exact structure of the message :slight_smile:


hi @loginerror thanks for the response. I have a URL with Authentication how can I pass the Authentication in webhooks URL in UI Path orchestrator.

You can pass a secret string in this field:

Hi I am new in using web-hooks can you please tell me how to pass a username and password value in Secret.

Actually, I do not think it is possible. You can read more about the Orchestrator Webhooks here:

Could you tell me what type of authentication does your service use?

my service use the basic authentication with username and password

Hello Ramesh,
In the First video you will see how Use Orchestrator Webhooks in Power Automate:

In second video you can see how I use the Slack Webhooks to comunicate with UiPath:

Cristian Negulescu

Hi Ramesh, Did you get response for your question or were you able to pass credentials in webhooks URL in Uipath orchestrator

I have seen your video about webhook. But it doesn’t talk anything about how to pass credentials. can you please help me.

Hi Sudhir,
Basically with the uipath web hooks you can’t pass credentials. What I did is I have created a middleware which will receive the webhook response and sends it to my end system with the required credentials. This middleware can be a of simple java servlet too

Hi Ramesh,

Thanks for your response, I checked with our Moogsoft/techservice team and they confirmed that we need not pass credentials. so I was able to finish the set up.

Hi All,
Did anyone able to get the solution to pass basic authentication credential to the target API from Webhook without using a middleware?

Can you please help, if there is any other alternative to the problem on authenticating the target API from Webhook?

Hi @gagan.sahoo

Welcome to our UiPath Forum! :slight_smile:

You could try installing the Web activity package and then the HTTP Request activity. It allows you to pass the basic authentication credentials as part of the request via its properties.