Hello there.
I’m new. I am trying to create a process where the workflow is following:
read excel file as for each row and type into a web form
click submit and below 2 link comes having same number inside but i need two click the second one.
then some information comes on the same page which i use send hot key as CTRL P for print as pdf.
I then give it a sequential name. and do it for the next row in excel.
The problem here is for some reason, it might be the network problem or some times the excel data is wrong the links don’t appear. instead the last page which i need to save comes and sometimes the page is not loading. sometimes UI Path skips a row of excel file.
which if I use message box shows all rows. i have used delay activity for it. but still not working properly. should i use conditions and if so. Then how? Please help
Advise to you would be using Element Exists if you’re using classic activities or else
To use Check app state to see whether the correct chrome page is loaded or not.
Also you mentioned that there are sometimes that the excel data is wrong, the links might not be appearing, you need to check whether a url exists or not using if condition.
For iterate the every row in excel file use the “For each Excel Row” activity.
Store the required data in a variable and type in the web form by using “Type Into” activity.
Click submit by using “Click” activity, While selecting the 2nd link in the provided links use click
activity and modify the selectors in UI Explorer to click on specified link.
When you get the information in same page then use the “Keyboard Shortcuts” activity to give hot
keys (Ctrl+P) to print.
Use “Type Into” activity to name to the file.
After this it will go automatically to the next row by using for each excel row.
Use the “Check app state” activity to check the links appear in the screen. If appears continue the process if it not appears then skip the row.